The fourth episode of the TV drama series "Zaibatsu Fukushu" (TV Tokyo, Mondays 11:06pm), starring actors Keisuke Watanabe and Miori Takimoto, aired on January 27th. The episode depicts Yukiya (Watanabe) exacting revenge on his mother Kyoko (Takaoka Saki), who has bullied him since childhood, and has caused a stir on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers.
Yukiya, whose revenge was thwarted by Erika (Takimoto), approaches Reo (Nishigaki Takumi), a young entrepreneur whom Kyoko favors, in order to make his next move. Kyoko becomes jealous of Reo's admiration for Erika. She calls Reo to a hotel and asks for a physical relationship in return for her investment.
Later, Kyoko has a secret rendezvous with Reo at a hotel, and after removing his jacket, they collapse into bed. However, her husband, Seiichiro Ise (Ikkei Watanabe), who had received a tip from Yukiya, bursts in. Seiichiro tells Kyoko that he will never give her any money to spend again, and that he will never let her out of the house.
Yukiya, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between Seiichiro and Kyoko, smiles and mutters "checkmate." He then tells Kyoko, "I'll never forgive you for my life," and "I'll crush every single one of you!"
On social media, Yukiya's second "revenge completed" drew comments such as, "Exhilarating!", "So refreshing, the best," "This checkmate is too cool," and "I feel so refreshed."