It has been revealed that the first animated film based on the popular smartphone game "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku (ProSeka)," "Project Sekai the Movie: A Broken World and Miku Who Can't Sing" (directed by Hata Hiroyuki), has made over 570 million yen in box office revenue in the 10 days since January 17th. The film has been a hit, drawing in over 390,000 people (Miku). To commemorate the fact that the film has drawn over 390,000 viewers, 39 new cuts have also been released.
The movie will have an entirely original story, depicting a "new Hatsune Miku" not featured in the game as she meets the characters of "Project Sekai" and grows as a person.
It is produced by PAWORKS, which also produced "True Tears" and "SHIROBAKO". It was released in 148 theaters on January 17th.