Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:HG Wing Gundam Zero Clear color Gunpla Transforms into Neo Bird form

「新機動戦記ガンダムW」のウイングガンダムゼロのガンプラ「HG 1/144 ウイングガンダムゼロ[クリアカラー]」(c)創通・サンライズ
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「新機動戦記ガンダムW」のウイングガンダムゼロのガンプラ「HG 1/144 ウイングガンダムゼロ[クリアカラー]」(c)創通・サンライズ

The Gunpla (plastic model) of Wing Gundam Zero that appears in the anime "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing", "HG 1/144 Wing Gundam Zero [Clear Color]" (Bandai Spirits), went on sale at Gundam Base, the Gunpla comprehensive facility, on January 25th.

The "HG" series Wing Gundam Zero is now available in clear color. It can be transformed into Neo Bird mode by replacing the parts.

The twin buster rifles can be connected and separated. The machine cannon on the shoulder can be deployed. 1,760 yen.

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