TV Tokyo's popular information variety show "Apparition! Ad Town Heaven" (Saturday 9pm) will feature Asakusa and Senzoku in Tokyo on the January 18th broadcast.
Senzoku (Taito Ward, Tokyo) is famous as the town where the Yoshiwara red-light district was located, which is closely connected to Tsutaya Juzaburo , the protagonist of this year's taiga drama " UNBOUND ." In this program, we will take a stroll around the area, visiting remnants of the red-light district at that time, such as Mikaeriyanagi and Ohaguro-dob, and explore the local downtown gourmet food.
In addition to horse meat "sakura nabe" dishes, we will introduce the best value tempura bowl, a rice ball shop that is only open in the evenings, fluffy two-tiered pancakes, "hidden oden" from a famous oden restaurant, and a long-established rice cracker shop.
Also featured will be a hair oil manufacturer that maintains traditional methods, seals that hand-carve not only letters but also pictures, and a public bath run by inexperienced people in their 20s.
The guests are rakugo performer Hayashiya Taihei and actor Motokariya Yuika.