Episode 1149 of " Detective Conan ," an anime TV series based on the popular manga by Gosho Aoyama (Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV, Saturday 6pm), entitled "The Detective Club and the Two Chaperones (Part 2)," will be broadcast on January 11th.
Conan and the Detective Boys, accompanied by Wakasa Rumi and Okiya Subaru, go to a beach in Shizuoka that is collaborating with Kamen Yaiba, where they encounter a case. The victim is Usui Katsunori, the manager of a beach house. The suspects are three employees who had the key to the back room door: Menda Sakura, Kayaki Maika, and Koriyama Takaki. Suspicion falls on Koriyama, who was sleeping next to the body, but Conan notices something strange about Koriyama's unnatural sleepiness.
" Detective Conan" is a popular manga serialized by Aoyama in the manga magazine "Weekly Shonen Sunday" (Shogakukan). It depicts elementary school detective Conan Edogawa solving difficult cases that occur one after another.