A sticker art project for the popular yankee manga "WIND BREAKER" by Nii Satoru, which is Satoru Nii being serialized on Kodansha's web manga service "Magapoke," will be held on the 6th floor of Maruzen & Junkudo Bookstore Umeda in Osaka from January 8th to 27th. This is the Osaka version of the project that was held in Ikebukuro, Tokyo from November 25th, 2024, and will feature mosaic art made with special stickers. Some of the stickers (104 types) can be peeled off and taken home (limited to one per person).
When it was carried out in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, all the stickers were peeled off within a few hours of being put up, which became a hot topic. A special edition of the latest 20th volume of the comics will be released on January 8th, with 32 stickers from the sticker art included as an appendix.
"WIND BREAKER" began serialization on Magapoke in January 2021. It depicts Haruka Sakura , who enrolls in Fuurin High School, a school notorious for being an extremely delinquent school, and her fight as a member of the Bofurin group, which protects the town. The first season of the TV anime aired from April to June. The second season will air in April 2025 on the late-night anime slot "Super Animeism TURBO" on MBS/TBS.