Ryota Yamazato of the comedy duo Nankai Candies will appear on NHK's documentary program "Family History" (General), which will be broadcast from 7:57 pm on January 7th. What supported Yamazato's dream of becoming a comedian was a "certain promise" he made with his family. Behind this is the unknown history of the Yamazato family...
The subtitle of the program that day was "Yamazato Ryota - The family's promise that supported his dream". When Yamazato was a high school student, he confessed his dream to his parents: "I want to go to Osaka and become a comedian." However, his father, who wanted him to have a stable job, did not allow it. Yamazato was frustrated and cried, but his mother, seeing this, said, "Don't cry, Ryota. Go to Osaka."
A father and mother with polar opposites. This is the epic family story of two people born and raised in Kyushu. The surprising truth behind the father's fierce opposition. And the roots of the indomitable spirit that was passed down to the mother, who never gives up on what she loves, are revealed.