"7 STARS - 7 Answers - The Present of Hikaru Genji Connected by Sato Atsushi," a documentary series (7 episodes in total), in which Sato Atsushi, the youngest member of the national idol group Hikaru Genji, which debuted in 1987 and took the world by storm, visits the members. The first episode was broadcast and streamed on January 5th, and it was revealed that Akasaka Akira will appear in the second episode. The second episode will be broadcast on WOWOW Live at 7pm on February 11th, and streamed on WOWOW On Demand.
Hikaru Genji is a seven-member group consisting of "Hikaru" (light) consisting of Koji Utsumi and Itsuki Osawa, and "Genji" (genji) consisting of Kazumi Morohoshi, Hiroyuki Sato, Junichi Yamamoto, Akira Akasaka, and Atsushi Sato. They debuted in 1987 with "STAR LIGHT" and won The Japan Record Awards the following year with "Paradise Galaxy". They continued to have hits such as "Taiyo ga Ippai" and "Lila no Saku Koro Barcelona e" but disbanded in 1995.
The program is a documentary series in which Sato Atsushi, who was 13 years old when Hikari Genji debuted, visits former members with one strong wish in mind, 30 years after the group disbanded. Akasaka and Sato Atsushi, who appear in the second episode, are the only members of Hikari Genji who are the same age (Akasaka was born on May 8, 1973, and Sato was born on August 30 of the same year). Sato chose Akasaka as the first member to convey his wish to. Attention is focused on how Akasaka responds to Sato's wish.