A one-shot collaboration between Akimoto Osamu's popular manga "Kochikame" and Numa Shun's comedy manga "Choujun! Chojo Senpai" currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha) was published in the combined 6th and 7th issue of the magazine, released on January 4th. "Choujun! Chojo Senpai" features Chojo Jun, who works at a run-down police box, as the main character, and this is a hilarious collaboration between Jump's proud police comedy.
The collaboration one-shot is about Higurashi Neruo, a famous character who appears during the Summer Olympics, finally waking up, but the place he wakes up in is... "Higurashi x Chojo = Psychic Showdown!?" was the title. The issue also introduced information about the "Kochikame Memorial Museum," a tourist facility based on the "Kochikame" series that will open in March.
"Kochikame" is a comedy manga set in downtown Tokyo, depicting the chaos caused by Ryotsu Kankichi, a police officer with extraordinary physical strength and a warm personality. It began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1976 and ran for about 40 years until 2016. 201 volumes of the comic have been released, with a total circulation of over 150 million copies. It has also been made into an anime, a live-action film, a stage play, and a game.
"Choujun! Chojo Senpai" is a "psychic police comedy" by Numa, who is also known for "Saemon-kun is a Summoner", and began serialization in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in February 2024. It depicts the buddy duo of Chojo Jun, a psychic investigator who specializes in criminal investigations using psychic powers but works at a back-alley police box, and rookie police officer Ipponki Nao, who work to protect the peace of the city.