The first volume of the comic "Ichi the Witch," a manga currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), will be released on January 4th. The story is a much talked about work written by Nishi Osamu, known for "Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun," and illustrated by Usazaki Shiro. The cover of the first volume includes a comment from Kohei Horikoshi, the author of " My Hero Academia ."
Horikoshi praised the work, saying, "It's high fantasy that's light and witty, yet has depth to it. How many people can depict this balance? The world naturally expands in the reader, making it the ideal for a boys' manga."
"Ichi the Witch" is a "magic hunting" fantasy that began serialization in the magazine in September 2024. Set in a world where there are hunters called "witches" who hunt and learn magical creatures, a hunter who lives in the mountains and has no connection to witches or magic overturns the common sense of the world.