A completely new special drama "Grand Maison Tokyo" (TBS), a sequel to the popular drama "Grand Maison Tokyo" that was broadcast on the TBS network in 2019, in which Takuya Kimura plays an unconventional genius chef, will be broadcast on the 29th at 9 p.m., the day before the release of the movie "Grand Maison Paris" (directed by Tsukahara Ayuko, released on December 30th).
"Grand Maison Tokyo" is a popular drama written by Tsutomu Kuroiwa and directed by Tsukahara, which aired in the Sunday Theatre slot (Sundays at 9pm) in 2019. The story follows the genius chef Obana Natsuki (Kimura), who opened a restaurant in Paris and won two stars, but lost both his restaurant and his colleagues in a serious incident brought about by his own arrogance. He then meets a female chef, Hayami Rinko (Suzuki Kyoka), and together with his former colleagues, he struggles to create "Grand Maison Tokyo," the world's best three-star restaurant, in Tokyo.
The special drama tells the story of Grand Maison Tokyo after it has been awarded three stars. Devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Grand Maison Tokyo is forced to enter into a capital alliance with a major company in order to survive. Due to its food being purely cosmetic, Grand Maison Tokyo loses more Michelin stars, eventually losing all of them.
Rinko and Kusumi Kana (Nakamura Anne) visit the popular French restaurant "Meilleur Kyoto" and, after tasting the food, Rinko is convinced that Obana is there. What is Obana's purpose in returning to Japan? Will "Grand Maison Tokyo", which has lost all of its stars, be able to rise again and regain its stars once more? The story unfolds.
In addition to Kimura and Suzuki, the cast will include Kis-My-Ft2's Tamamori Yuta, Kan'ichiro, Asakura Aki, Masataka Kubota Ayako, Kazuki Kitamura Ai, Nakamura, Oikawa Mitsuhiro, and Sawamura Ikki.