"STRICT-G," a concept store for apparel based on the popular anime series "Gundam," will be releasing a new "Mobile Suit Gundam UC" pin set, "STRICT-G Mobile Suit Gundam UC Gundam Series 45th Anniversary Pin Set."
This product commemorates the 45th anniversary of the "Gundam" series and includes four types: an illustration of a famous scene reconstructed, the Vist Foundation, Anaheim Electronics, and the Neo Zeon mark. The price is 4,400 yen.
Reservations will be accepted from 1pm on December 26th on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. Shipment is scheduled for January 2025. The product will also be available for purchase from December 28th at STRICT-G's Tokyo Odaiba store (Koto-ku, Tokyo), Tokyo Solamachi store (Sumida-ku, Tokyo), NEOPASA Shizuoka (Downbound) store (Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City), and Taga SA (Downbound) store (Taga-cho, Shiga Prefecture).