It has been revealed that a second season of the TV anime "Puniru Is a Cute Slime," based on the Maeda-kun romantic comedy currently being serialized on the web manga site "Weekly CoroCoro Comic," a manga magazine published by Shogakukan, will be produced. Visuals announcing the decision to produce a second season and a lifted video have also been released. The visuals show Puniru in the form of a beautiful girl with an endearing cute smile, and a giant, sparkling Puniru.
The series is a manga that depicts the exciting life of the protagonist, a boy named Kotaro, and his slime Puniru, who he created. Kotaro is at the mercy of Puniru's free-spirited behavior, who has transformed into an incredibly beautiful girl with a shape-shifting body. The series began serialization in March 2022.
The first season of the TV anime began airing on TV Tokyo in October, with the final episode airing late at night on December 22nd.