An event for the TV anime "SPY×FAMILY," based on the manga by Tatsuya Endo currently being serialized on Shueisha's manga app "Shonen Jump+," was held on December 21st at Jump Festa 2025, which is being held at Makuhari Messe (Mihama-ku, Chiba City). Takuya Eguchi , who plays Lloyd, Atsumi Tanezaki , who plays Anya , Saori Hayami, who plays Yoru, and Kenichirou Matsuda, who plays Bond, along with the voice actors of the Forger family, took the stage.
At "SPY×FAMILY" events, it is customary for the voice actors to have a drawing corner where they show off their hand-drawn illustrations, and on this day they tried their hand at creating a cover illustration for the comic, with the theme "What if a comic were to be released to mark the 5th anniversary of the series?"
Eguchi and Hayami have shown off their unique illustrations in the past, but this time they once again demonstrated their "artistic talents." Furthermore, this time they both showed off an illustration of a "duplicate design" in which Anya and other characters form a human alphabet to express the number "5" for the 5th anniversary, exciting the audience.
It was also announced on stage that season 3 of the TV anime "SPY×FAMILY" will begin airing in October 2025.
"SPY×FAMILY" began serialization in "Shonen Jump+" in March 2019. The story is about a skilled spy who creates a temporary family for his mission and starts a new life. A spy father, a psychic daughter, and an assassin mother live together while hiding their true identities from each other. The series has sold over 38 million copies in total. The first season of the TV anime aired from April to June 2022, the second season from October to December 2022, and season 2 from October to December 2023.
The animated film "Spy × Family Code: White" was released in December 2023 and was a huge hit, grossing 6.26 billion yen and attracting over 4.64 million viewers. On December 22nd, the film will be available for unlimited streaming on video streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video, NETFLIX, and U-NEXT.