The opening day stage greeting for Disney Animation Studios' latest film "Moana 2" (directed by Dave Derrick Jr. and others) was held in Tokyo on December 6th, with Tomona Yabiku, the voice actress for Moana in the Japanese version, and Yuria Masutome (6), who plays her younger sister, Shimare, among others, making an appearance.
Yuria said, "This is my first time giving a stage greeting, so I'm nervous. But I was really looking forward to it, so I'm happy. I'm thrilled to be able to be on such a wonderful stage," which elicited cheers of "So cute!" and thunderous applause from the audience.
Yabiku and Yuria appeared in matching outfits made from the same fabric. Yuria cutely introduced their matching outfits, saying, "This part (the top) is sparkly and cute. This part (the skirt) is also cute because it's fluttery, so I love it. Also, I love these sandals the most." Yabiku said, "I'm so happy. (Yuria) is so overwhelmingly cute that I can't take my eyes off her. I also think this part (the top) is sparkly and cute (laughs)," drawing laughter from the audience.
Matsuya Onoe, who plays Maui, Yuta Koseki, who plays Moni, Rio Suzuki, who plays Loto, and Sonim, who plays Matangi, also appeared on stage to greet the audience. Mari Natsuki, who voiced the grandmother Tara, made a surprise appearance at the end of the show and was impressed by Yabiku, saying, "You used to be a university student, but you've grown up to be such a great person."
"Moana 2" is a sequel to the previous film "Moana" produced in 2016. Three years after the previous film, Moana, who has become the leader of the island, is spending time with her family and friends, but when she learns of a legend that "if they reach an island at the end of the sea, the curse will be lifted," she decides to go on a dangerous voyage to regain her bond. The film depicts her embarking on another adventure with Maui, the demigod who adventured with her in the previous film, and new friends.