The short anime "Doctor-X Da Zo" (2019), a collaboration between TV Asahi's popular anime "Crayon Shin-chan" and the network's popular drama "Doctor-X: Surgeon Daimon Michiko", will be rebroadcast on December 7th at 4:30 pm.
Ryoko Yonekura, the star of "Doctor X", will be trying her hand at dubbing for the anime for the first time, and will also be uttering the famous line "I will not fail." The show will be rebroadcast to commemorate the release of the movie "Doctor X: The Movie," which will be the final installment of the "Doctor X" series.
The story goes that Daimon Michiko (Yonekura) visits the kindergarten Shinnosuke attends and tackles the biggest problem faced by "that troubled person" familiar to Shin-chan fans, saying, "I never fail."
Three episodes will also be broadcast: "A Toy for Boredom," "Susan and the Kendama," and "Rental Kuroiso-san."