Mobile Suit Gundam: The Silver-Gray Vision:"Mobile Suit Gundam: Silver Gray Phantom" "Silver Gundam" Delta Zain Gunpla released

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It has been announced that a Gunpla (plastic model) of Delta Zain, the "silver Gundam" that appears in the VR video "Mobile Suit Gundam: Phantom of the Silver Gray" from the popular anime "Gundam" series, will be released as part of Bandai Spirits' "HG" series.

The Delta Zain is a modified Delta Plus machine provided by AE (Anaheim Electronics) to Argent Keel, an unofficial mercenary organization that is neither the Federation nor Zeon. Due to a secret agreement, non-standard parts are used for the exterior of the machine. The head is reused from a prototype machine of a different project, and the armor shape uses data from a phantom machine that was frozen at the design stage, and it is equipped with a special shield. It is painted in the silver color that is symbolic of Argent Keel.

Details about the Gunpla will be announced in the future.

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