Detective Conan:A dream collaboration between Edogawa Ranpo and Edogawa Conan: "The Ranpo House Murder Case" to be broadcast for two consecutive weeks in November, scripted by Okura Takahiro

「名探偵コナン」の江戸川コナンと江戸川乱歩がコラボした「乱歩邸殺人事件」の特別ビジュアル(左)と江戸川乱歩の肖像画 (C)青山剛昌/小学館・読売テレビ・TMS 1996 取材協力 立教大学江戸川乱歩記念大衆文化研究センター
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「名探偵コナン」の江戸川コナンと江戸川乱歩がコラボした「乱歩邸殺人事件」の特別ビジュアル(左)と江戸川乱歩の肖像画 (C)青山剛昌/小学館・読売テレビ・TMS 1996 取材協力 立教大学江戸川乱歩記念大衆文化研究センター

It has been announced that Edogawa Conan, the protagonist of the TV anime "Detective Conan" (Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV, Saturday 6pm), based on the popular manga by Aoyama Gosho, will collaborate with author Edogawa Ranpo. The episode "The Ranpo House Murder Case," set in the former Edogawa Ranpo House, will be broadcast over two weeks on November 16th and 23rd. Edogawa Ranpo is the author after whom Edogawa Conan is named, and the collaboration is to commemorate his 130th birthday this year.

The script for "The Ranpo House Murder Case" will be written by Okura Takahiro, who also wrote the scripts for the films "Detective Conan: The Million Dollar Star," "Detective Conan: Crimson Love Letter," "Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire," and "Detective Conan: Halloween's Bride."

To commemorate the collaboration, a special visual featuring a portrait of Edogawa Ranpo was also released. With an actual portrait in the background, Conan is posing in the same way as Ranpo and smiling fearlessly. The visual will also be unveiled at the Kyoto International Manga and Anime Fair (KyotoMaf) 2024 event, which will be held at Miyako Messe (Kyoto City Industrial Promotion Hall) and other locations in Kyoto on September 21 and 22.

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