The 1146th episode of " Detective Conan ," an anime TV series based on the popular manga by Gosho Aoyama (Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV, Saturday 6pm), titled "The Antiquarian Bookstore Where the Whistle Can Be Heard 4," will be broadcast on December 21st.
While reading at Tamaki Book Cafe, the Detective Boys meet Komachi Ami, who accidentally sold off a precious book that was a keepsake from her father. The book has already been sold, but then Kirishima Kenichi, the buyer, arrives. Ami pleads with him to let her buy it back, but Kirishima has already resold it on a flea market site, making it impossible for her to get through to him. However, Conan is puzzled by the fact that what should have been an ordinary book was sold for the high price of 200,000 yen. That evening, Kirishima's body is discovered.
" Detective Conan" is a popular manga serialized by Aoyama in the manga magazine "Weekly Shonen Sunday" (Shogakukan). It depicts elementary school detective Conan Edogawa solving difficult cases that occur one after another.