"Start-Up!! Kamen Rider Vram," a program that delves deeper into the appeal of Kamen Rider Vram/Rakia Amarga (played by Shoji Kohei) who appears in the special effects drama "Kamen Rider Gavv" (TV Asahi, Sunday 9:00 AM), began streaming on January 19th exclusively on the app service "Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club (TTFC)."
TTFC is currently running a three-week special on Kamen Rider Vram, which began on the 12th. The first week featured an audio commentary version of episode 18, depicting Vram's exploits. This time, to delve deeper into the character's appeal, the program includes behind-the-scenes footage of actor Shoji's crank-in, as well as an interview about his role. There is also an individual interview with Naganori, Vram's suit actor, in which he talks about the action and the granulated form.
Starting at 9:30 a.m. on the 26th of the third week, an audio commentary version of episode 20 featuring director Sugihara Teruaki and Shoji will be distributed.