The first episode of the drama series "Madoka26sai,kenshui Yattemasu!" (TBS, Tuesdays at 10pm), starring actress Yoshine Kyoko, was broadcast on January 14th, and the average viewership rating (according to Video Research, Kanto region, same below) was 5.9% for households and 3.4% for individuals.
The drama is based on Mizutani Midori's manga "Madoka26sai,kenshui Yattemasu!", "I'm a flustered medical intern," and "I came to be a medical intern on a remote island" (KADOKAWA). The drama depicts the intense two years in which the protagonist, a medical intern who wishes to be happy even as a doctor, faces the challenges of veteran doctors and encourages her peers as she faces life as a doctor and as a woman.
This is Yoshine's first starring role in a TBS drama in about 10 years.
In the first episode, Madoka Wakatsuki (Yoshine), a first-year medical intern, begins her work at Seiou General Hospital. She is initially assigned to the surgery department, but reality is different to her hopes, with many obstacles standing in her way, such as not being able to insert an IV needle properly, needing to go to the bathroom during surgery, and being mistaken for a nurse. One day, an inpatient she is assigned to, Akane Yukawa (Mayumi Tanaka), complains of back pain... and so the story unfolds.