Villainous Lady Reincarnated as an Uncle:Anime "Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan" - A 52-year-old man reincarnated into the world of a girls' game - First PV released - Voice actors for the "conquerable targets" announced

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The first trailer for the TV anime series "Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan," based on the manga by Michio Kamiyama currently being serialized in "Monthly Young King Hours GH" (Shonen Gahosha), has been released on YouTube. The anime follows the shocking plot of 52-year-old Tondenbayashi Kenzaburou, who is reincarnated as a villainous young lady in the world of the otome game "Magical School Love & Beast," and features a diverse cast of characters, including the heroine and the one to be conquered.

Additional cast members have also been announced, including Sekine Akira as Anna Doll, the protagonist of the otome game; Ishikawa Kaito as Virgil Vierge, the one to be conquered in the game; Umehara Yuichiro as Richard Versault; Suzuki Ryota as Auguste Lion; Nagatsuka Takuma as Pierre Gemmeau; Yamashita Seiichiro as Lambert Balance; and Koga Aoi as Lucas Vierge.

The series is a comedy with themes of older men, reincarnation in another world, and villainous ladies. The story is about a 52-year-old earnest civil servant, Tondenbayashi Kenzaburou, who is involved in a traffic accident and reincarnated as Grace Auverne, a villainous lady in the world of the otome game "Magical School Love & Beast". Kenzaburou decides to behave as a villainous lady, but his "elegant cheat" ability, which automatically transforms parental remarks and commonplace behavior into elegant ones, is activated, and he unintentionally ends up setting up flags with the handsome men he is trying to capture in the game. The anime will be broadcast in January 2025 on the late-night anime slot "Super Animeism TURBO" on MBS/TBS.

◇Cast (titles omitted)

Tondenrin Kenzaburo: Kazuhiko Inoue▽Grace Auverne: M.A.O▽Anna Doll: Akiyoshi Sekine▽Virgille Vierge: Kaito Ishikawa▽Richard Versault: Yuichiro Umehara▽Auguste Lion: Ryota Suzuki▽Pierre Gemmeau: Takuma Nagatsuka▽Lambert Valance: Seiichiro Yamashita▽Luca Vierge: Aoi Koga

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