It has been announced that "Bookstore Detective Sakura," a sequel to the serial mini-drama "Moving Detective Sakura," which aired on TV Tokyo in March and April this year and starred Endo Sakura of the idol group "Nogizaka46," will air from late night on November 5th to late night on the 14th. Tendo Sakura (Endo), a new member of society who has just started working at a bookstore, gets caught up in a major incident on a mystery tour led by a writer she admires, and although it is inappropriate, she is excited about solving mysteries, which she loves. Comedians Hyoroku, Makino Suteteko, and Otsuru Fuyo from "Mama Tart" will also be appearing in the film, following on from the previous series. Endo commented on the filming of this work, "I'm usually quite laid back. I'm quite a gloomy person and I don't say much, but Tendo Sakura is really single-minded about the things she likes. She has a very curious side, so I tried to get a little more excited and do my best." Regarding her co-stars, she said, "Hyoroku-san had a really strong impact from the first scene he appeared in, and the scene where he screamed was so powerful that it really surprised me, so it left a lasting impression on me. For some reason, Makino (Suteteko-san) was really comforting, and I was happy to be able to spend time with him." She also appealed, "The second film is still as lively and chaotic as ever, but I think it has a stronger sense of mystery, so I hope it makes you feel like you're solving a mystery together, and I would be happy if you could support Tendo Sakura." TV Tokyo producer Iwashita Yuichiro commented, "The first series, which was broadcast in 10 episodes in the middle of the night, was well-received, and now we are bringing you a sequel! The highlight is the combination of Endo Sakura's comical and serious acting. We were only just about able to give Endo the script at the last minute, but she had it memorized on the day, and I was amazed at her professionalism! This time, it will be broadcast in 6 episodes in the middle of the night again, but please watch it on streaming services, and I think there will be a sequel if the streaming goes well, so please let us make it a 30-minute slot next time! (laughs)."
The drama will be streamed on TVer, and on the Internet on TV Tokyo, Lemino, and U-NEXT.
◇"Bookstore Detective Sakura" broadcast schedule
Episode 1: November 5th (Tuesday) 1:30am-1:40am
Episode 2: November 6th (Wednesday) 1:30am-1:40am
Episode 3: November 7th (Thursday) 2am-2:10am
Episode 4: November 12th (Tuesday) 1:30am-1:40am
Episode 5: November 13th (Wednesday) 1:30am-1:40am
Episode 6: November 14th (Thursday) 2am-2:10am