TV Tokyo's popular information variety show "Appear! Ad Town Heaven" (Saturday 9pm) will feature Shin-Okachimachi in Tokyo on the October 26th broadcast.
Okachimachi was once the name of a town in Taito Ward, Tokyo. It no longer exists as a town name, but JR East, Tokyo Metro, and Toei Subway have Okachimachi Station, Naka-Okachimachi Station, Shin-Okachimachi Station, and Ueno-Okachimachi Station. This time, they will introduce the town around Shin-Okachimachi Station, calling it "a hidden spot that's not new but has an old Showa era feel" and "a hidden spot like a secret base."
Shin-Okachimachi is located in "Kachikura" (the area from Okachimachi to Kuramae), which is a hot topic for craftsmanship, and the show will feature a "BAR" where you can craft while drinking, an Edo wind chime workshop in the shopping district, a specialty store that has mastered the art of paulownia wood boxes, handkerchiefs, and whetstones, and a small stationery factory where the skills of artisans shine.
In addition, the program will also introduce some "nostalgic gourmet" dishes, such as a bar in a converted garage of a century-old liquor store, a charcoal-grilled yakiniku restaurant where the recommended dishes are haneshita and thick-sliced tongue, and a local Chinese restaurant famous for its spicy nasi goreng.
The guests will be international journalist and TV personality Morley Robertson, and actor Akane Sakanoue.