A special program for the popular anime "Lycoris Recoil ," "Lycoris Productions Okinawa Commemorative Live Stream at Blue Turtle," was streamed on YouTube on January 18th. Chika Anzai , who plays Chisato Nishikigi , Ami Koshimizu, who plays Nakahara Mizuki, Shingo Adachi gathered at the cafe restaurant Blue Turtle, a "sacred place" in Okinawa, and it was announced that the title of the original short movie for the series would be "Lycoris Recoil Friends are thieves of time." Director Adachi said that the original short movie is "about half done," and explained the meaning behind the title, saying, "When you're spending time with friends, time flies by."
Blue Turtle is the cafe restaurant where Takina Inoue, who went to pick her up, chatted in the 13th and final episode of the TV anime. Wakayama Shion, who plays Takina, was unable to come to Okinawa, but a video comment was released. Wakayama expressed regret for not being able to go to Okinawa and commented, "Next time, I'll go with everyone again," while Anzai said, "I definitely want to get revenge. It's meaningless without Onnu (Wakayama)! I want to sit in this seat with her."
Director Adachi first visited Blue Turtle on December 21, 2019, and said, "It hadn't really been decided where Senzoku would ultimately escape to," but revealed that visiting the place while traveling was one of the reasons he decided to set the story there.
The original short movies are set in the Ricorico Cafe and depict the new daily lives of Senzoku and Takinara. There are six short movies, and each one is storyboarded and directed by a different creator. Information on the staff for each episode, including Shingo Adachi, Takashi Sakuma, Imigimuru, Tsuyoshi Tobita, Shu Mori, and Kota Mori, was also announced.
Intrigued by the fact that character designer Imigimuru was involved as a "name scriptwriter," Anzai asked, "What is a name script?" Director Adachi replied, "I had them create a story based on the manga's names, and then I cut the storyboard based on that." He added, "I hope that 10 years from now, people will think, "Wow, we couldn't believe such a great cast came together!"
Finally, Anzai said, "We weren't complete without Shion, so I hope we can all get together again and do a live broadcast here. Next stop is Waikiki! We're looking forward to seeing you again!"
"Lycoris Recoil" is an original TV anime directed by Adachi, who was in charge of character design and general animation direction for the "Sword Art Online" and "WORKING!!" series. It depicts the exploits of a young girl (Lycoris) who is an agent for DA (Direct Attack), a secret organization that prevents crimes from happening. The TV anime will air from July to September 2022, and it has also been adapted into a novel, comic book, and stage play. It has also been announced that a new anime will be produced.