It has been revealed that the TV anime "A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!", based on the manga by Mai Tanaka currently serialized in the monthly manga magazine "G Fantasy" (Square Enix), and the second season of the TV anime "Toilet-bound Hanako-kun 2", based on the manga by Iro Aida currently serialized in the same magazine, will collaborate. A collaboration visual featuring the main characters of each series, the rookie teacher Abe no Seimei and the seventh of the seven wonders, Hanako-kun, has been released.
In the collaboration visual, next to Abe no Seimei is Mokke, a monster that appears in "Toilet-bound Hanako-kun," and next to Hanako-kun is Marshmallow, a mandragora that appears in "I started teaching at a Yokai school!" Collaboration goods are also being planned.
"A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!" depicts the struggles of Abe no Seimei, who is appointed as a new teacher at Hyakki Gakuen, where yokai from all over Japan gather. The TV anime will start in October 2024. The second season will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and other stations from January 15th.
"Toilet-bound Hanako-kun" depicts the daily efforts of Nene Yashiro, a girl who has a connection with Hanako-kun, also known as "Hanako-san of the Toilet," the seventh of the seven mysteries of Kamome Academy, and the boy who works as an exorcist, Mitsuru Minamoto, as they try to restore the rumors of the altered seven mysteries and monsters. The second season of the TV anime is currently airing on the TBS network.