The NHK morning drama series "Omusubi" starring Hashimoto Kanna will be broadcasting its fifth week, "About that day", in the second half of 2024. In the 23rd episode on October 30th...
Led by Nagayoshi (Matsudaira Ken), a party to celebrate the Itoshima Festival is held at the Yoneda household, and many related parties gather, including the members of Fullmetal Alchemist and fellow Hawks supporters like Nagayoshi.
Yui (Hashimoto) also attends with Shoya (Sano Hayato), but Ayumu (Naka Riisa) does not attend and stays in her room. In the kitchen, Kayo (Miyazaki Yoshiko) and the others are cooking the local dish somenchiri, while Aiko (Aso Kumiko) reminisces about the time they moved to Itoshima.
"Omusubi" is a "Heisei youth graffiti" about a heroine born in 1989 who, with a "gal spirit" that values being true to herself at all times, connects people's hearts and futures as a nutritionist. It is an original work by screenwriter Nemoto Nonji, known for NHK's drama "Shojiki Real Estate," among others.