The second episode of the TV Asahi drama series "Tamiou R Inspired by Ikeido Jun," starring actor Endo Kenichi, will air on October 29th. Actor Sota Ryosuke and Gozu Takeo, who also made his presence known in the Netflix drama "Jiandaku-tachi," will appear in the drama.
In the first episode, Muto Taizan (played by Endo) wins the presidential election and takes up the position of prime minister again for the first time in nine years. However, a "switch" has been activated once again, and this time it is revealed that the target is the entire nation.
In the second episode, Taizan suffers from a headache in his office. He suddenly finds himself standing in the mountains somewhere, a shovel in hand. In front of him is a man with his hands tied and blood flowing from his head, leaning limply against a tree. Realizing he is surrounded by menacing looking men, Taizan thinks, "Could it be that I've been swapped with a murderer?" and runs away. With nothing but penniless money and no means of communication, he heads for the Prime Minister's residence.
Sota plays Kinoshita Naoki, whose body Taizan swaps with. Sota said, "I'm sure fans of the previous series and those who have been watching for the first time will enjoy this story. It's a wonderful work with laughs and emotions, so please check it out!"
The drama is the first sequel in about nine years to "Tamiou" (aired in July 2015), which was based on Ikeido's novel of the same name (published by Bunshun Bunko and Kadokawa Bunko). This time, as an "inspired" work, Taizan, who has been approached by the Prime Minister again, randomly swaps bodies with a citizen in each episode. The first episode (broadcast on October 22nd) became a hot topic, trending number one worldwide on X (formerly Twitter) and exceeding 1 million views on TVer's catch-up streaming.