The Tokyo Drama Awards 2024 ceremony, which recognizes outstanding TV dramas, was held on October 28th at the Tokyo Prince Hotel (Minato-ku, Tokyo), and the Grand Prix (GP) in the "Serial Drama" category for the Best Drama Series was awarded to the serial drama "VIVANT" (TBS), which aired in July 2023.
"VIVANT" is a completely original story directed and written by director Katsuo Fukuzawa, who has produced numerous hit dramas such as the "Hanzawa Naoki" series and the "Downtown Rocket" series. The story is set in Japan and Central Asia, and stars Masato Sakai, Hiroshi Abe, Fumi Nikaido, Tori Matsuzaka, and Koji Yakusho.
The Tokyo Drama Awards are an awards that recognize outstanding TV dramas, focusing on "quality of work," "marketability," and "commerciality," with the concept of "Japanese dramas that we want to show to the world." This year marks the 17th time the awards have been held.
The award for Best Actor went to Tsuyoshi Kusanagi from NHK's drama "Deaf Voice: Courtroom Sign Language Interpreter" (General). "Too Much Inappropriate!" (TBS) won the Excellence Award in the Serial Drama category, and also won Best Screenplay, Best Direction, and Best Theme Song, achieving a quadruple win.
NHK's serial drama "The Swallows Won't Come Back" (General) won the Excellence Award in the Serial Drama category, and also won Best Actress for Ishibashi Shizuka and Best Supporting Actress for Uchida Yuki, achieving a triple win.
◇ Best Drama Series
Grand Prix "VIVANT" TBS
Excellent Prize "The Boat Weaving ~I'll Make a Dictionary~" NHK
Excellent Prize "The Swallows Won't Come Back" NHK
Excellent Prize "Too Inappropriate!" TBS
Excellent Prize "Unmet: The Diary of a Brain Surgeon" Kansai TV
◇ Best Drama Series
Grand Prix "Deaf Voice: Courtroom Sign Language Interpreter" NHK
Excellent Prize "Unsolved Cases File. 10: The Shimoyama Incident" NHK
Excellent Prize "The Dinner of Intruders" Nippon TV
Excellent Prize "Black Jack" TV Asahi
Excellent Prize "All Living Things" TV Tokyo
Excellent Prize "PICU: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Special 2024" Fuji TV
◇ Local Drama Award
"Moving to Kyoto" Asahi Broadcasting Corporation Television
"Ryukyu Historical Drama: Amawari: The Last" HERO" Ryukyu Broadcasting
◇Individual Awards (titles omitted)
Best Actor Award: Tsuyoshi Kusanagi "Deaf Voice: Courtroom Sign Language Interpreter" NHK
Best Actress Award: Shizuka Ishibashi "The Swallows Won't Come Back" NHK
Best Supporting Actor Award: Ryuya Wakaba "Unmet: The Diary of a Brain Surgeon" Kansai TV
Best Supporting Actress Award: Yuki Uchida "The Swallows Won't Come Back" NHK
Best Screenplay Award: Kankuro Kudo "There's a Limit to Inappropriateness!" TBS
Best Director Award: Fuminori Kaneko "There's a Limit to Inappropriateness!" TBS
◇Theme Song Award
Creepy Nuts "Nidone" "There's a Limit to Inappropriateness!" Theme Song