The 16th episode of the TV anime "MF Ghost," based on the "successor" to the popular manga "Initial D" by Shigeno Shuichi, entitled "Demon!! Sawatari Kouki," will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and other stations late at night on October 27th.
After passing the gate at Lake Ashi Skyline, the race enters the second lap of the middle stage. Sawatari, who is following Beckenbauer in the lead, makes his move here. In the death area, in a slippery trap covered with volcanic ash, he closes in on Beckenbauer. After a fierce battle in which they both crash their bodies together, Sawatari leaps into the lead with demonic technique. Kanata also takes advantage of his 86's advantage in the death area and gets in front of Sakamoto's Audi. A new generation is creating a whirlwind in MFG.
"MF Ghost" began serialization in "Young Magazine" (Kodansha) in 2017. The story is set in Japan in the year 202X, when self-driving cars have become widespread. As road-based car races such as MFG gain popularity around the world, Katagiri Kanata (Kanata Rivington), who graduated from a racing school in the UK, returns to Japan to fulfill a certain goal...
The anime will be directed by Naka Tomohito, who has worked on the "New Initial D The Movie" series, and produced by Felix Film. Character design will be handled by Onda Naoyuki, who has worked on "Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway's Flash" and other works. The first season aired from October to December 2023. The second season is currently airing on TOKYO MX and other stations.