The second episode of the TV anime "The Blue Wolves of Mibu," based on a manga by Takeshi Yasuda, known for the soccer manga "DAYS," about the Shinsengumi, "A World Where It's Okay to Cry," will air on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV at 5:30 pm on October 26th.
After meeting Toshizo Hijikata and Souji Okita, Nii became a member of the Mibu Roshi-gumi, a group of swordsmen who protect the city of Kyoto, known as Miblo, with the idea of "I want to become strong too. I want to change this world." He learned that the barracks where he and the others live and eat is feared and called the "dwelling place of demons," and felt that "maybe I've come to a dangerous place." When he meets Shinpachi Nagakura, Sanosuke Harada, and others, he is suddenly challenged to a sumo match, told to "show your strength."
"The Blue Wolves of Mibu" has been serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha) since 2021. Set in Kyoto at the end of the Edo period, it depicts the way of life of the Shinsengumi. The anime will be directed by Kumiko Habara, who has also worked on "I'm Standing on a Million Lives," and produced by MAHO FILM.