Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Jumbo Soft Vinyl Gundam Mk-II re-released by Premium Bandai

「機動戦士Zガンダム」のガンダムMk-IIのフィギュア「ジャンボソフビフィギュアSD RX-178 ガンダムMk-II -SDガンダム-」(c)創通・サンライズ
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「機動戦士Zガンダム」のガンダムMk-IIのフィギュア「ジャンボソフビフィギュアSD RX-178 ガンダムMk-II -SDガンダム-」(c)創通・サンライズ

The second round of pre-orders for the "Jumbo Soft Vinyl Figure SD RX-178 Gundam Mk-II -SD Gundam-" (Plex), a soft vinyl figure of the Gundam Mk-II from the anime "Mobile Suit Z Gundam", has begun on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. The jumbo-sized figure is approximately 23cm tall and is priced at 16,500 yen.

It is equipped with weapons such as a beam rifle, beam saber, and shield. The neck, shoulders, and waist are movable.

It is scheduled to be shipped in February 2025.

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