A plastic model of Nika Nanaura, who appears in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury, was released on October 26th as "Figure-rise Standard Nika Nanaura" from Bandai Spirits' "Figure-rise Standard" series. It costs 4,180 yen.
One type of tampo printed part and two types of parts for water transfer decals reproduce a wide range of expressions. The inside of the mouth is also expressed by dividing it into parts, and you can choose between an open mouth state and a state where the teeth are visible. Nika's characteristic inner hair color is also expressed by dividing it into parts.
The uniform is a new design, and includes uniform parts for expanding the range of motion, which increases the range of posing, and soft sleeve parts. By selecting the dedicated part for the torso, it can be made into a natural sitting pose. There are 10 types of hand parts in total. A tablet is also included.