The 1150th episode of " Detective Conan ," an anime TV series based on Gosho Aoyama 's popular manga (Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV, Saturday 6pm), titled " Kaito Kid and the Crown Magic (Part 1)," will be broadcast on January 18th.
Suzuki Jirokichi of the Suzuki Zaibatsu receives a warning letter from Kaito Kid. This time, the target is a crown embedded with one of the world's largest tourmalines, "Sea Witch's Spray." Conan Edogawa goes to the exhibition floor with Ran Mouri and Sonoko Suzuki, where he spots Azusa Enomoto, an employee of Cafe Poirot. Azusa says she came with Amuro to deliver sandwiches for the security guards, and leaves, saying, "Please tell me later how Kid got through that passage."
Conan and the others headed to the only entrance to the exhibition hall, where Jirokichi had installed a new special passage for Kid, the "Road of the Wind God," a state-of-the-art security system that would instantly block the entrance if the crown were to move even a millimeter away. Jirokichi seemed to be quite confident in his security this time, and Ran and Sonoko were also able to take a look around.
"Detective Conan" is a popular manga serialized by Aoyama in the manga magazine "Weekly Shonen Sunday" (Shogakukan). It depicts elementary school detective Conan Edogawa solving difficult cases that occur one after another.