Tomona Yabiku, who voices Moana in the Japanese version of Disney Animation Studios' latest film "Moana 2" (released December 6th, directed by Dave Derrick Jr. and others), appeared at the unveiling event for the song "Beyond ~Go Beyond~" held in Tokyo on October 29th.
Yabiku sang the song "Beyond ~Go Beyond~" with a powerful voice. Afterwards, music director Yoichi Ichinose surprised her with a warm message saying, "Thank you for the wonderful song again this time." Upon hearing this, Yabiku shed tears and said in a tearful voice, "I thought that now, seven years after the previous film, I could do something, so I did my best, so I'm very happy to hear you say that, and I hope that the character Moana will continue to be loved in the same way by those who love this film." After that, she left the stage and restarted the event.
The key song in this film, "Beyond," was written by two young and talented musicians, Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, who became the youngest winners in the category of Best Musical Theater Album at the 64th Grammy Awards. The song expresses Moana's conflict and uncertainty about setting sail on a dangerous voyage that may prevent her from ever returning to her loved ones, and her determination to believe in herself and set sail for a new destiny.
"Moana 2" is the sequel to the previous film, "Moana," which was produced in 2016. Moana has been spending time with her family and friends, but after learning a legend that "if she reaches an island at the end of the sea, the curse will be lifted," she decides to set sail on a dangerous voyage to regain her bonds. The film depicts her embarking on another adventure with Maui, the demigod who adventured with her in the previous film, and new companions.