72-year-old actor Ikebata Shinnosuke will appear on Kuroyanagi Tetsuko's long-running talk show "Tetsuko no Heya" (TV Asahi), which will air on October 28th at 1pm. Ikebata is currently appearing in the NHK morning drama "Omusubi". This will be his first morning drama appearance in his 55th year since his debut.
He is a tourism ambassador for Itoshima City, Fukuoka Prefecture, where the drama is set. He used to have a villa in Itoshima, but has now sold it and has a camper trailer parked in a place with a spectacular view of Itoshima. He bought a villa in Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture, so he can play mahjong with his friends.
When he was in elementary school, he saw singer Koshiji Fubuki on NHK's Kohaku Uta Gassen and was captivated by her, and he recalls going to her recitals every year. He was able to have a conversation with Koshiji in the dressing room only once. He will express his passionate feelings for Koshiji.