The "SD Gundam" series card "Carddass" "New SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Story" is being revived as "New SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Story Superior Dragon Edition". Cards have been carefully selected from all four chapters of "New SD Gundam Gaiden Knight Gundam Story", which was released in 1993. All cards will be revived in a luxurious design with prisms and gold foil stamping. The price is 6,000 yen.
There are 40 types of cards in total, carefully selected from memorable characters, and the normal cards have been made with prisms and gold foil stamping. It also includes newly drawn illustrations and comes with a booklet looking back on each chapter.
Preorders are being accepted on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site, Premium Bandai. It is scheduled to be shipped in January 2025.