The fourth and final season of the TV anime "Dr. Stone," based on the manga serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), "Dr. Stone Science Future," is finally about to begin. The final season will be divided into three cours, with the first cour being broadcast on TOKYO MX and other stations from January 9th. The original is a popular work that was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha) from March 2017 to March 2022. It has been about five years since the first season of the TV anime began airing in July 2019. We asked Yusuke Kobayashi Yusuke, who plays the main character Ishigami Senku, and Ryota Suzuki, who plays Nanami Ryusui, who appeared in the TV special "Dr. Stone Ryusui" broadcast in July 2022, about their thoughts on "Dr. Stone" and the final season.
◇ Senku and Ryusui’s leadership qualities
--In season 4, we'll be aiming for the moon.
Kobayashi-san : We've finally made a ship, and we haven't even flown in the sky yet, but now we're in space. I have the impression that the scale has become even bigger. Space is a goal for humanity and Senku's dream, so I was excited that it might come true. It's been five years since we first made the soap and then acted, and when I think about it, it's been a long journey.
Suzuki- san, it's been five years. I only joined midway through, but it's quite moving to see that we've come so far as to see whether or not Senku's underlying goal of going to space will be achieved.
--We are entering the final season. What do you think is the appeal of the series?
Kobayashi-san's science keeps improving, and it's fascinating to see the excitement of being able to do things like this even from scratch. Also, as an actor, I really feel the bonds between people. Senku in particular has no barriers with anyone, and it's impressive how he honestly relies on others for things he can't do himself. Because of this, his connections with the other characters feel very strong. When I watch the anime, I feel the wonderfulness of the human relationships in this world even more than when I was acting.
Suzuki: There are always things that people can and can't do, and they all fit the right person in the right place. Each person has a place to shine, and they all make the most of their individuality without killing it. Furthermore, it seems like they're doing their best to develop what they can do. It's a work that children can enjoy, and it's also a great work in terms of intellectual development.
--How do you feel your characters have grown?
Kobayashi: I think what's attractive about Senku is that he hasn't changed at all. He's always loved science since he was a child, and maybe because he's so deeply rooted in rational thinking, he seems like a complete person, so much so that it's hard to believe he's a high school student. However, I do feel that he's started to show sides of himself that he didn't show before, even though they were true to him. That's also the case with the conversation just before putting Tsukasa into cold sleep at the end of season 2. I felt that the "range of what's shown" has become wider than before.
Suzuki Ryusui hasn't changed much either. He is loyal to what he wants, and will do anything to achieve it. That's not a bad thing, but he has a way of moving things forward in a very positive way. Even when he joined the science team, he didn't just stand out or think about doing well, but instead made the most of the people around him, and as a result, he was able to accomplish what he wanted. He studied the art of rulership in his childhood, spares no effort, and is able to make the most of people. There are parts of him that have not changed as a captain.
--What are your impressions of the characters each other play?
Suzuki-san: At first glance, he doesn't seem to interact with people, he seems hard to get along with, and it's hard to understand what he's saying. However, while Ryusui has the image of pulling everyone together, it's Senku who is in charge of bringing everyone together and deciding how to move things forward. He can see each person around him and ask others for help, and I feel that his leadership qualities are similar to Ryusui's.
When I first read Kobayashi -san's work, I thought he would be a self-centered character, like "What's yours is mine" and "What's mine is mine." However, what's fascinating is how his selfishness is expressed in a way that doesn't offend anyone. He's straightforward about his desires, but the scale of them is far beyond what most people would imagine. While he has his own unique values, his way of life is very attractive and shines. Compared to Senku, who is not good at expressing himself, the way he leads those around him in a way that everyone can understand is the very image of a classic leader.
◇ Ryota Suzuki's energy leaks out
--What are your impressions of each other as actors?
Kobayashi-san's acting is very persuasive. It may be because Ryusui is that kind of character, but even when we work together in other roles, there is a sense of stability and security. You could say he's skillful, but even within that skill, there is a core. You can really tell that he has a clear idea of what he wants to do. Everyone is like that, but it doesn't stay in his body, it leaks out (laughs). I can feel his energy.
Suzuki: It's hard to explain, but I want to do something a little strange, something different from other people, and maybe the energy of what I want to do is leaking out (laughs). I've always wanted to express myself well in terms of sound pressure, voice, and technique, and do something different in many ways. Ryusui is the coolest character, and he's the one who leads the group, so I always play him with the desire to lead everyone with my energy. Yusuke...
Kobayashi-san, please tell us about your weaknesses!
Suzuki- san... Not at all! I feel that Yusuke-san, who plays Senku, is similar to me in that he wants to let loose! He is greedy when it comes to expressing the character of Senku, for example, if he goes too far it won't be Senku anymore, but he can do it if he goes this far... I also feel that Yusuke-san has energy. It's not just energy, he also thinks about how to blend in with those around him, and although the form changes in various ways, it's all Yusuke after all. I think that's really amazing. He's an actor who can express that strange gap between being cool and passionate.
Kobayashi-san wasn't like that in the past. When I played the main character, I thought that because I was the main character, I had to work harder than anyone else! But when I started appearing in "Dr. Stone", I started thinking about how to act in a way that would make the lines of other people stand out. For example, instead of talking down to the hardworking Chrome, I tried to make it seem like they already had a master-disciple relationship, and I think that's what I learned in "Dr. Stone". However, there were times when I wondered if that was the right answer as an actor. Acting in a way that takes into account the people around you and fits the scene should really be thought up by the director or sound director, not the actor, so I wondered if it was okay to look ahead and think about that.
I'm sure that Suzuki and the staff are aware of it too, and I don't think it's possible to read it to that extent and then act it out even if you tried.
◇I want to talk about this work as my masterpiece even after decades have passed.
--It's been about five years since the first season began. What does "Dr. Stone" mean to you?
This is an important work for Kobayashi-san , and it has given me confidence as an actor. It is loved by many people, and the passion of the staff is so overwhelming that it can be felt even through the screen. I can feel the actors, staff, and viewers working together to create this show, and I savor every episode of the joy of being involved. It is something I want to talk about as my masterpiece even decades from now.
Suzuki-san, I have to do it with high energy every time, and at the end, I want to do it to the most comfortable place even if it means tearing my vocal cords. I feel that it is very meaningful that Ryusui was entrusted with this work, which has many seniors, and I want to cherish "Dr.STONE". As a junior, I feel that I have to lead people. It is one of the special works for me.
- Please give us a message regarding the broadcast of the final season.
Suzuki: The scale is completely different in many ways! It's obvious that we'll go from land to the sea and then suddenly aim for space, and the scale of the drama will be big. Including the thoughts of the new characters who appear in America, everything is on a big scale!
Kobayashi: I think there will be a lot of painful and difficult scenes this time. But I think that moving moments can only be achieved by overcoming a certain amount of suffering. In the final season, there will definitely be developments that will make you cry. I'm sure the cast members will be feeling the same way. The actors are putting their souls into the show and giving it their all, so I hope you'll look forward to watching it.