Ahead of the release of the movie "Grand Maison Paris" (directed by Ayuko Tsukahara, released on December 30th) starring Takuya Kimura, the video streaming service "U-NEXT" has begun exclusive streaming of "Grand Maison Paris Extra Edition LE MARIAGE ~ A Journey Through France's Food Culture ~".
Before filming began, Kimura and his co-stars Ikki Sawamura and Anne Nakamura visited Paris to experience the gourmet food culture of France. They came into contact with French cuisine ingredients such as truffles, caviar, and wine, and interacted with Japanese chefs active in the area, savoring the depth of French cuisine.
Kimura also talks with Chef Kobayashi Kei of the Parisian French restaurant "Restaurant KEI," who served as the film's food supervisor. While talking with Chef Kobayashi, who continues to win three stars at the "home of the real thing," Chef Kobayashi issues Kimura a "challenge." The video also includes footage of Kimura creating his own "exquisite dish."