"Goodbye Robinson Crusoe" (2010, Fuji TV), written by Akiko Nogi, known for "Unnatural," "We May Be Ashamed to Run Away," and the currently airing "Diamonds in the Sea," and starring Tanaka Kei, has recently started streaming on TVer.
This is Nogi's debut as a screenwriter, and it won the Fuji Television Young Scenario Grand Prize. The protagonist Keisuke (Tanaka), who works as a garbage collector, gives 150,000 yen a month to his girlfriend Miya (Misako Renbutsu), who is out of work and in debt, despite his meager pay. One day, at the hospital where she is taken to, he meets Hana (Kikuchi Rinko), a nurse who gives money to band member Nariyuki (Ayano Go). The two recognize each other as their only comrades, believing that their "giving" to each other, which no one else can understand, is an act of unconditional love, but a certain incident makes him realize that his "giving" to her is not unconditional, but is done because he wants her to love him...
TVer broadcasts many popular dramas from the past as a "Classic Drama Special."