The ninth episode of the drama series "Watashi no Takaramono" (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 10pm), starring actor Wakana Matsumoto, aired on December 12th. The decision made by Hiroki, played by Kei Tanaka, at the end of the episode became a hot topic on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers
Miu (Matsumoto) receives a call from Hiroki's lawyer. According to the lawyer, Hiroki does not wish to meet his daughter Shiori in the future, and wants to meet her and Miu one last time.
On the day of the visit, Miu and Shiori were waiting for Hiroki at the entrance to the zoo, but it was Ryo Fuyutsuki (Tatsuya Fukazawa) who showed up. Meanwhile, Hiroki was deleting the photos of his memories with Shiori one by one...
On social media, comments such as, "Hiroki is such a good person... even if he was in the wrong, I can't stop crying," "I don't know how the final episode will end, but I hope Hiroki is saved," "Hiroki has decided never to see Shiori again. The scene where he deleted the photos was heartbreaking," "Does this mean Hiroki is giving up!? He's deleting the photos one by one," and "I'm sobbing. I feel so sorry for Hiroki" were posted.
On the other hand, there were also opinions such as, "Hiroki is acting like it never happened, but his emotional abuse was severe to begin with," "No, really, isn't the emotional abuse being forgotten too much? If you trace it back to the root, Hiroki is the root of all evil," and "If it weren't for the emotional abuse in the beginning, Hiroki would be a really good person! But because of the emotional abuse, I have no room for sympathy at all."