The Japan finals and awards ceremony for the 12th Gundam Builders World Cup (GBWC) Japan Tournament, a contest to determine the world's best Gundam model builder from the Gundam anime series, will be held on December 14th at Gundam Base Tokyo (Koto-ku, Tokyo). The 30 works selected as Japan's representative candidates (finalists) have been unveiled.
There are three courses: U-14 for ages 6 and over, U-20 for ages 15 and over, and U-20 for ages 20 and over, and OVER-21 for ages 21 and over. The tournament will be held in 16 countries and regions, including Japan, Australia, Canada, Europe and the Middle East, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, mainland China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, the US, and Vietnam. From May, regional tournaments will be held in each area to select representatives. Each representative will compete in the world tournament finals on February 22, 2025.
"GBWC" is an international competition that began in 2011 to compete in Gunpla construction, painting techniques, and ideas. The judges are Akihiko Yasunaga of Bandai Spirits, who serves as the chairman of the judging committee, and members of the editorial staff of model magazines.
(c) Sotsu, Sunrise (c) Sotsu, Sunrise, MBS