The 11th episode of the drama series "3-nen C-gumi wa Furin Shiteshimasu" (Nippon TV, Tuesday midnight 12:24), starring actress Riko, was broadcast on December 10th. In the episode, there was a scene where Marin (Tanaka Miku) reveals all the secrets about Kotone's (Akita Shiori) pregnancy and miscarriage, which caused a stir on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers.
In episode 11, Marin decides to expose everything, including her relationship with Nakano, in order to get revenge on Nakano, the man she had an affair with. She then confesses in front of her classmates that she sold the ultrasound photo that Kotone had to her on the internet.
Furthermore, she reveals that Kotone had created a commotion by posting a photo of Ao (Riko) and Iori (Mokushiro Kazuto) kissing on the blackboard, and then pretended that Ao had pushed her away during the commotion, making it look like she had had a miscarriage; and that the miscarriage diagnosis was also forged by Marin at the request of an obstetrician-gynecologist she knew.
Then, when Kanata (Yutaro) asked her why she did such a thing, Marin revealed the details, including that Kotone had threatened to expose her affair with Nakano, and that she had done it to protect Nakano, who had made a move on her while she was underage. Marin's revelation attracted a lot of attention on social media, with comments such as "Well said!", "This is a hellish scene," and "This is 10 times worse than Takanashi imagined."